PVC and CPVC are both materials used to make pipes. PVC is a polymer that contains chlorine while CPVC is a chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) plastic pipe.
PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride, which is a type of plastic. It is a flexible pipe that can be easily cut and shaped.
PVC stands for polyvinyl chloride and is a type of plastic. It is used in plumbing to supply hot and cold water.
PVC uses ethylene or vinyl chloride as a starting material while CPVC starts with 1,2-dichloroethane.
The process of making CPVC is more complex than PVC
CPVC has more manufacturing limitations due to the toxicity of the starting material.
PVC can contain formaldehyde, dioxins, and phthalates whereas these chemicals are not found in CPVC at all.
CPVC stands for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, which is also known as cross-linked polyvinyl chloride.
CPVC is more resistant to chemicals and acids compared to PVC.
CPVC is slightly less flexible than PVC.
CPVC contains chlorine that helps prevent bacteria from growing in the pipe.
CPVC pipes are thicker than PVC pipes which makes them more durable than their thinner counterparts.
PVC pipe is a type of plastic piping that is used in plumbing.
PVC is typically the cheapest and most widely used type of plastic piping in use today.
PVC is more durable than CPVC.
PVC Pipes are cheaper to install.
PVC is less costly compared to CPVC.
PVC is usually used to carry water between farm buildings and irrigation systems.
PVC is used to transport goods, including hazardous materials such as gas and oil, through pipelines underground or underwater in order to prevent leakage into the environment.
CPVC Pipe is a type of plastic piping that is used primarily for hot water heating systems and heating water by indirect contact with natural gas or LPG fuel tanks on ships.
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