Advantages and Disadvantages of Closed die Forging?
Advantages of Closed die Forging:
Closed die forging can create complex shapes because it doesn't require hot material like open die forge.
Closed die forging is a more efficient and cheaper way of producing parts that need to be forged.
Closed die forging has an advantage in production cost due to less work on each part after the initial formation stage.
It also uses sturdier machines because it does not require such expensive tools as drop-hammers or power hammers (used primarily in open-die forgings).
Closed die forging has a high-quality surface finish and is good for small workpieces.
Closed die forging can reduce the amount of scrap and defects in the finished product. It also produces shapes that are not readily achievable with other methods such as drawing or extrusion.
Closed-die forging can produce large batches in one run, reducing setup time and production time associated with open-die forgings.
The closed die forging process is capable of producing uniform-quality parts and the uniform volume distribution, stiffness, and strength properties of these parts.
If the same component consistently needs to have a uniform geometry, closed die forging may be considered as it allows the producer to use equal pressure from all sides.
Disadvantages of Closed die forging:
Dissimilar materials are difficult to work with an open die forge.
The quality of the metal starts degrading.
Limitations in size, large-sized products are not possible through this process.
Processing through closed dies will result in a lower quality design with fewer details because of contamination from dirt and other substances gathered around the side rows during production.
The tool cost is expensive.
The number of shapes that can be produced as well as their complexity is mainly limited to those with simple geometrical configurations because this type of process operates on a single plane resulting in singular cavity shapes due to which conventional dies are often used for more complex forms.
Difficult life cycle due to lack of moisture at the bottom (oxidation) and reduced part strength in regions subject to heavy stress (eg inside corners).
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