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Requirements For Metal Cutting Tool

Cutting Tool Requirements:

The cutting tool must have the following Requirements for long tool life. 

1. Hot Hardness:

The cutting tool has the ability to attain its hardness at higher temperature .the cutting tool should able to withstand high temperature.


Cutting tool has the ability to resist shock, vibrations occur while cutting operation, by this process cutting tool become weak.

3.Easy to Manufacture:

The design of the tool should be simple and easy, so it can be easily shaped and machined.

4. Resonable Cost:

The cutting tool cost should be minimum.

5.  Coefficient Of Friction:

Coefficient of friction should be minimum for a cutting to obtain a better surface finish.

6. Thermal conductivity:

 The cutting tool material should posses high Thermal conductivity for quick removal of heat.

7. Wear Resistance:

It should able to resist wear, the cutting tool must be high resistance, there by increasing the life of the tool.

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