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Difference between Elasticity and Plasticity

Difference between Elasticity and Plasticity?

The Major Difference between Elasticity and Plasticity are as follows:

Elasticity is deformation (or stretch) that recovers fully when the stress relaxes. Plasticity is deformation (or stretch) that does not recover fully when the stress relaxes.


  1. Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed.
  2. Elasticity is the measure of how quickly the material returns to its original shape after an impact or deformation. 
  3. elastic is the property of a body that enables it to return to its original shape after it has been deformed.
  4. A material with high elasticity will be resistant to deformation.
  5. Some materials are elastic, and other materials are not elastic. There are also different types of elasticity, or deformations within the material itself, which include tension, compression, flexure, and torsion. 
  6. Elastic materials, such as rubber bands, return to their original shape after being stretched or compressed.
  7. Elasticity is determined by the material's ability to store energy. 
  8. Elasticity is a property of materials that can be elastic or plastic.
  9. Elasticity is a result of the internal forces within the material.
  10. Elasticity always occurs when there is a change in shape or size.
  11. Elasticity is always reversible.
  12. Elasticity is an intrinsic material property.


  1. The term plasticity is used to describe the ability of a material to deform permanently under pressure. Metals, for example, are very plastic materials: when they are subjected to pressure they will deform permanently, and will not return to their original shape once the pressure is released.
  2. Plasticity looks at how easily a material can be permanently deformed, but unlike elasticity, it doesn't matter what direction the force was applied.
  3. A material with high plasticity will deform easily.
  4. Plasticity is determined by the material's ability to deform permanently.  
  5. Plasticity is a property of materials that are only plastic. 
  6. Plasticity is a result of the external forces on the material.
  7. Plasticity can occur without any change in shape or size.
  8. Plasticity is not always reversible.
  9. Plasticity is an extrinsic material property.

An example of Elasticity:

One example would be that you could deform a rubber sufficiently enough to cause it to fold over sufficiently for two parts of rubber than stick together, but once released it springs back with nearly its original shape; while with something like metal when you tried this same act there would be little "give;" instead it would either

An example of Plasticity:

A piece of plastic, on the other hand, will not return to its original shape even when no force is pressed upon it. In other words, a material that does not return to its original shape after an applied force is removed is called Plasticity.

External forces, such as applied loads or stress, can cause a material to deform plastically. The deformation will be permanent and the material will not return to its original shape when the forces are removed. This deformation is referred to as plastic deformation.

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