Difference Between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals
Difference Between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals:
Metals are divided into two different categories which are known as ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Depending upon the material properties difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals are identified. To identify the ferrous metal it consist of some main properties like magnetic and iron. Metal that contains magnetic property and high iron content is called as ferrous material and if the material that does not contains any magnetic properties and iron in the selected material is known as non-ferrous metals.
Ferrous metals:
Ferrous metal are more stronger than non-ferrous metal this is due to the mixture of iron and carbon present in the metal.To find the strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, etc. most of this properties are depend upon the carbon, iron and alloy content in materials. Ferrous material are not easy to machine and not so flexible.Examples of Ferrous metals are Steel, Alloy Steel, Carbon Steel, Cast Iron, Wrought iron, etc.
Non-Ferrous metals:
Non-Ferrous metal are not stronger than ferrous metals. Non-ferrous metals does not contains any iron, carbon and magnetic properties in it. Due to the absence of iron and carbon this are not so strong and more flexible to use, non-ferrous metal are high resistance to corrosion.Examples of Non-Ferrous metals are Aluminum, Copper, Zin, etc.
But Aluminum alloys are highly used in many applications like construction, transportation, production, etc.
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