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about Slotting Machine working principleand applications, specifications.

Slotting Machine:

1. Slotting machine is similar to vertical shaping machine and used for regular or irregular surfaces.
2. The cutting tool in slotting machine used to reciprocates against the stationary work piece, during machining.

Working of Slotting Machine:

In slotting machine work is held in vertical position on the table of slotting machine. the cutting tool in slotting machine  reciprocate in vertical direction and removes the extra material from work piece, work is done only at downward stroke i.e cutting action takes place at downward direction and the remaining upward stroke is idel one.


1.It is used for machining slots grooves keyways.

Specifications of slotting machine:

1, In this machine the stroke length is Maximum.
2. In this operation it can machine maximum size easily.
3. It can do a high amount of work in a single stroke.
4. Table sliding with the work piece is more.

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